
Kult Mogil lanseaza primul album

January 22nd, 2016
Kult Mogil lanseaza primul album
Pagan Records has a history of releasing groundbreaking albums from some of the most talented bands coming from Poland. The label has been responsible for revealing to the world such acts as Behemoth, Sacrilegium, Azarath, Profanum, Witchamster, Lux Occulta, Furia or Mord’A’Stigmata. The latest promising band to sign to the legendary label are Kult MogiÅ‚ who will be releasing their debut full-length, Anxiety Never Descending, on 24th December 2015.

Kult MogiÅ‚ were established in October 2014 in Tarnów, Poland. In April 2015 they released Demo 2015, which was recently put out on tape with the title K+M+B via Gravplass Propaganda. Their upcoming full-length, Anxiety Never Descending, features six brand new tracks and sees the mysterious trio create an atmosphere of a reeking graveyard, a soundtrack to your damnation and slow death.

“Anxiety”, “death”, “grave” and “damnation” are not just words to describe their music in a cool metal way. These terms are truly reflected in the band’s music. The title track’s chaotic drum work resembles an anxiety attack, the experimentation with feedback and slow drum beats on “The Width of a Forehead” paint morbid pictures while the soothing guitar melody and riffs on “Palliative Messiah” could be the soundtrack to your descent to the grave.

Anxiety Never Descending is not for the faint-hearted. “This record will not make dying any easier for you”, the band commented.

Regarding the band’s name, the members explain that Kult MogiÅ‚ does not translate to “sepulchral cult”. Instead, “cult of graves” is more fitting and understood as a “burial place with or without tombstones” as opposed to “the cult of dead ancestors”.

RIYL: Portal, Bölzer, Dead Congregation, Cruciamentum, Necros Christos or Cultes Des Ghoules.

Anxiety Never Descending will be released as a CD on 24 December 2015 via Pagan Records. Limited vinyl and cassette editions to come in 2016.

Kult Mogił online:

Pagan Records online:


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