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Trupa Jinjer anunta ultimele show-uri din 2017

20 octombrie 2017
Trupa Jinjer anunta ultimele show-uri din 2017
Trupa Jinjer anunta ultimele show-uri din 2017, dupa un an cu nenumarate concerte in turneul de promovare al albumului King of Everything, lansat de Napalm Records. Trei dintre ele au loc pe teritoriul Romaniei in luna decembrie la Brasov, Timisoara si Cluj-Napoca.

Cu aceasta ocazie trupa a declarat: “We are very excited to announce the final 4 shows of 2017, where we'll be laying waste to Budapest alongside Leander Kills and then a few more shows in beautiful Romania before taking a small break to hang out with family & friends - and (hopefully!) smash out a few new tracks for the next album.

It's been a looooong, crazy but amazing year for Jinjer and we're super happy to close it out in two of our favorite countries! Come hang out!

Tickets go on sale locally very soon! SAVE THE DATES!!

Datele ultimelor concerte Jinjer in 2017:
  • 30 noiembrie 2017 BUDAPEST (HU) Barba Negra
  • 01 decembrie 2017 BRASOV (RO) Rockstadt
  • 02 decembrie 2017 TIMISOARA (RO) Reflektor
  • 03 decembrie 2017 CLUJ (RO) Flying Circus
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